Last Refreshed: 10/22/2024 6:09:26 AM
Last Refreshed: 10/22/2024 6:09:26 AM

Farm animal well-being is not only a good business practice - because our customers expect and trust us to do the right thing - but we truly believe that supporting animal welfare is the right thing to do. Ahold Delhaize acknowledges animal consciousness, understanding they feel pain and experience emotions, and therefore embraces the globally recognized five freedoms of animal welfare as the basis of this approach:

  1. Freedom of hunger and thirst

  2. Freedom from discomfort

  3. Freedom from pain, injury or disease

  4. Freedom to express normal behavior 

  5. Freedom from fear or distress

At Ahold Delhaize we have senior management supporting our great local brands to address animal testing, growth promoting substances, routine mutilations, close confinements and stress during slaughter and transport. For the brands that have specific policies, please refer to the links at the end of this page.  

Scope and performance reporting 

The local brands translate this global policy into day-to-day decision making. Our approach covers Ahold Delhaize’s ambitions for stronger animal welfare standards as they relate to own-brand whole or single ingredient products derived from farm animals globally. The brands comply at least to applicable legislation and are working to go further by continuously improving approaches and seeking better practices.

Ahold Delhaize cannot achieve this on its own and makes use of valuable horizontal and vertical collaborations. Our great local brands collaborate with their suppliers on improving animal welfare through avenues including contracts, certification and providing support. Furthermore, Ahold Delhaize participates in multi-stakeholder initiatives like SAI Beef (ERBS) and the Sustainable Dairy Partnership and GlobalG.A.P. (for pork and chicken).

For global commitments we disclose information on our website, and in our annual report. For specific region or brand progress, we refer to our local brand’s information.

General Commitments

Animal Testing 

Ahold Delhaize does not support the testing of own brand food, pharmaceutical or cosmetic products and their ingredients on animals, nor do we ask suppliers of our own brand products to conduct animal testing on our behalf, unless we have a legal obligation to do so. In the case of pet-food testing, the preference is to use kennel-animals.

Growth promoters 

Beta antagonists are sometimes used in livestock production to enhance growth and alter body composition. The use of beta antagonists for growth-promoting purposes in farm animals is illegal in the European Union. Despite the use being legal in the U.S., the U.S. brands promote meat from livestock that are not fed with beta antagonists, aiming to reduce the use of growth promoters, and supporting the producers who are voluntarily phasing them out. 

Live animal transport and slaughtering 

Ahold Delhaize acknowledges that farm animals are especially vulnerable to stress during transport and slaughter. Therefore, we are committed to limiting live long-distance transport of farm animals across all species. Furthermore, it is our aim that animal-based products come from farm animals that have been rendered unconscious and insensible to pain before harvest through effective stunning in a single attempt. To offer all customers a suitable choice, we accept alternative practices for religious slaughter. 


Ahold Delhaize understands the significance of antimicrobials in both human and animal medicine and the threat from improper use in livestock supply chains. Some of these antimicrobials are also used in human medicine and, if overused, can lead to increased antimicrobial resistance. 

Ahold Delhaize believes that antimicrobials used in animal medicine, when applied responsibly and under veterinarian oversight for treatment of disease or injury, promotes good animal welfare and that antimicrobials should not be used unless the well-being of an animal is endangered. Ahold Delhaize supports the reduced use of antimicrobials medically critical to humans on farm animals.

Ahold Delhaize does not support the prophylactic use of antimicrobials in animal farming, or their use as growth promoters. Our local brands will continue working with their suppliers to responsibly reduce antimicrobial use in animal farming, especially those considered by the World Health Organization to be critically important for human health. Some of our brands offer products from animals that were raised without the use of antibiotics.

Close confinement

We strive to minimize all forms of close confinement that are harmful for animal welfare, e.g. tethering and caging. We do this by collaborating with the industry. Below we have listed information on the global closed confinement approach. Additionally, our local brands have more specific approaches for various farm animals.

1. Cage-free laying hens 

We are making progress on our cage-free egg and gestation crate free pork commitment. Based on our updated double materiality assessment (DMA), animal welfare continues to be a material topic across our business. We have included an updated animal welfare paragraph in our standards of engagement for our brands suppliers.

Our European brands Albert Heijn and Delhaize Belgium are 100% cage-free for their own brand and national brand eggs, for shell eggs and egg-as-ingredient. However, the rate of supplier transition in some other regions is slower than expected, mostly due to the required infrastructure upgrades and impact of avian flu on egg supply. We are assessing the data to determine how to re-establish our targets and accelerate progress. We are updating our plan and targets and progress will continue to be announced in Ahold Delhaize's annual report.

Since March 2021, Ahold Delhaize’s joint venture Super Indo, has added cage-free eggs to its assortment in all its stores, supported by a comprehensive customer education campaign to help customers understand the benefits of cage-free eggs. We would use our best commercially reasonable effort to offer 100% cage free shell chicken eggs by 2035, provided there are no limitations in availability, affordability, consumer acceptance and provided that it is aligned with the Government direction as stipulated in the then prevailing laws and regulations obligating us to do so in Indonesia.

Eggs are a core part of the Indonesian (family) meal as they are - and should continue to be - an affordable source of protein. With the current limited supply of cage-free eggs in Indonesia, and the lack of a mechanism and certification scheme to scale this, the cost price will continue to remain relatively high. From an environmental perspective, we want to make sure that cage-free eggs are consumed and are not wasted as a result of their higher price - and that they can be sourced with as little food miles as possible.

Super Indo’s approach:

  1. Engaging with customers

Super Indo wants to make sure that their customers get the necessary information about the benefits of their premium packaged cage-free eggs from their own brand so that it does not end up as food waste - given the higher price. They do this by informing their customers about these benefits through their various channels, in store and online.

  1. Support of University programs

End of 2022, Super Indo signed a collaboration agreement with the Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), one of the leading universities in Indonesia, and Global Food Partner (GFP). Through this partnership, Super Indo has committed to work together to stimulate the growth of the Indonesian cage-free egg market. By providing technical training to Super Indo’s egg suppliers and egg farmers not yet affiliated with Super Indo, so that they can successfully adopt cage-free production systems. The training will start in late 2023 and will be conducted by Global Food Partners and UGM technical teams.

  1. Advocate certification with the government authorities

Until the transition to 100% cage free eggs is complete, it is also essential to improve the quality and animal welfare standards of the loose eggs. For this purpose, the Indonesian government has put in place the so-called NKV certification.

At Super Indo, 100% of the eggs are certified at NKV level. NKV is regulated by the Ministry of Agriculture and consists of 7 elements: Good Veterinary Practices; Biosecurity; Animal Welfare; Buildings; Facilities & Equipment; Handling of Products; Personal Hygiene and Hygiene & Sanitation.

Quality and safety are controlled by the SNI (Indonesian National Standard) 3926: 2008. All eggs sold by Super Indo also meet the SNI standard.

Because recognition is crucial for farmers of cage-free eggs to monetize the benefits of their efforts, Super Indo proactively advocate for the emergence of cage-free egg certification with the relevant ministries. We believe this is essential if Super Indo's good practices are to spread throughout the country.

  1. Mobilize suppliers and peers

Currently, there are only a few companies in Indonesia offering cage-free eggs. Super Indo continues to encourage a larger group of companies to follow the example of their partner that provides cage-free eggs.

We believe the existing and new commitments are the best way to persuade the egg-industry to quickly start making the significant investments needed to go “cage-free”. Our brands will remain in a continuous dialogue with the industry to improve the well-being of hens and make production more sustainable.

2. Gestation-crate-free swine 

Ahold Delhaize understands there are several confinement concerns regarding gestation stalls for breeding pigs or sows. Our European brands comply with EU legislation and our local U.S. brands are committed to eliminate the use of gestation stalls by 2025 or sooner.

Routine mutilation

We strive to minimize all forms of routine mutilations that are harmful for animal welfare, e.g. tail docking, or beak trimming. We do this by collaborating with the industry. Below you will find information on the global closed confinement approach. Our local brands have more specific approaches for many farm animals.

Animal welfare Animal welfare at our brands